Discover Temples
Ecstatic Journey of Sacred Sexuality Ritual & Celebration
Upcoming dates:
We currently offer Temples
in & around Berlin;
in Sintra by Lisbon, Portugal
and in Amsterdam.
Check All Events page for dates or read below about Temples.

Ecstatic Journey of Sacred Sexuality Ritual & Celebration
This unique evening is a Temple space of sacred s.xuality and sensuality facilitated to bring up or godly nature, playfulness, freedom, authenticity, permission for full spectrum expression and connection to each other and the whole. Nudity and s.xual interactions are optional and totally at your own discernment.
Get to know yourself in this potent real-life situation exploring love free of fear, intimacy, self-responsibility, authentic desire, nourishment of heart and Eros in safe community space.
let us pray,
let us play,
let us bow in devotion to the eternal presence of mystery within and around,
let us humble ourselves in front of or own souls,
let us grow into the giants we are
Come up the magnificent hill to meet at the gates of a temple and enter with a heart full of joy for we have come to pray through bliss embodied. Let us heal through togetherness, let us recover the ancient cellular memories of the gods we are. Let us dance, spread our wings to fly and dive deep into the pleasure of weaving like snakes through the jungle of other bodies. Let us drink the nectar dripping of the higher chakras pouring ecstasy into the energetic and physical spaces of our beings.
🌺 Ecstasy is your birthright. Undulate it from within, spread it in the body and radiate it into the world! 🌺
This is a space of permission. Everything is welcomed, Nothing needs to happen. Nudity and/ or se.xual (sensual / intimate) interactions are always OPTIONAL and totally at your own discernment. Every moment you have an opportunity to decide which level of engagement is accurate for you. It is entirely possible and very welcomed to stay dressed throughout the whole event and still have epic transformational time. Intimacy is a space of authentic encounter with the other (or oneself). Sacredness is being present with the entirety of your being to the moment. Healing can happen by experiencing extraordinary reality and sourcing love back into your life.
🐉 💗 ∞ : : WHO IS IT FOR? : : ∞
Welcoming people of all orientations and gender identities. It is open for singles, couples and people in alternative relational structures. Couples are welcomed to join together or independently (please read more on couples in the section under PRACTICALITIES). This is an 18+ event.
=> Have previous experience in se.x-positive spaces / tantra / sacred se.xuality / consent work.
=> Have done a lot of self-development work (you can reflect on yourself) and are open-minded and at ease with nudity and your own body.
The space is strictly FREE of alcohol, drugs and (chemical) perfumes.
You are very welcome to join as a couple and have all the interactions only with each other or with other people. You can also at any point decide which interactions to have together and which to have with other people. Our invitation is for you to mingle with other people, especially for the first part of the event. We strongly recommend that you discuss with your partner, before the event, what your relationship boundaries are for this event. That is, what are you willing or not willing to witness your partner do with other people (e.g. cuddling clothes-on, kissing, cuddling clothes-off, energetic se.x, se.xual interactions without penetrative se.x, use of barriers and condoms etc etc).
> If you are in (a) relationship(s) and you are coming solo: we do recommend for you to be in open communication with your partner(s) about this event and when appropriate discuss interaction boundaries. We promote transparency in relationships.
🐉 💗 ∞ : : WHAT ARE YOU IN FOR? : : ∞
The structure is always similar and yet each event is very unique and special in itself.
Intention, shedding skin, dance, play, connect, share, encounter, pleasure, open space, ecstatic magic, bliss bliss bliss embodied. The night has 7 parts:
🌺 setting a safe & joyful container
🌺 dance magic
🌺 sacred cacao love
🌺 connecting games and exercises
🌺 special ritual of Temple Arts to pray at the body-temple
🌺 open space for exploration of authentic desire, our own research and flow
🌺 closing circle
🐉 💗 ∞ : : ENERGY EXCHANGE : : ∞
check out a specific event
You can read more about the Temple principles and agreements (under FAQ).
You will receive an email with practical information some days before the journey. Please read it carefully x
All questions to: eros8medicine@gmail.com
or tel. / WA: +48508106834 - Aleksandra
The feedback, which we most often get from our participants, is that we create a safe space. Nudity, touch and sexual engagement is optional and always at your own discernment. Being in your truth and owning your accurate needs and desires is encouraged at all times. Needs for relaxation, self-centeredness and emotional ease are addressed first before going into intimate contact with others.
The container we create encourages total self-responsibility for your emotions, and non-reactional supportive space-holding from the entire group. It is a space where people can dive into their process and also to transcend wounding and go into blissful collective realities where we get to experience new ways of being and relating. Healing of our broken selves might take forever and we take a loving-presence approach towards that. At the same time, there is a frequency known to all of us in our cellular memory of healed and wholesome life where each movement is coming from mystery and is offered as a prayer. We would like to invite you to this space where we tap into sacredness of human existence.
🐉 💗 ∞ : : PRACTICALITIES : : ∞
You as you are :) in any sacred or comfy outfit you like (something you feel special in). Sarong (pretty body veil) or towel for sure and anything else you like (massage oil, musical instruments, notebook). Fruits or healthy veg snacks to share.
We lose a lot of life-force energy fighting with ourselves by hiding what we truly want and at the same time feeling not comfortable to say ‘no’ out of fear of hurting others or fear of rejection. We work with the polarities of boundaries and desires, that is, the ability to state our ‘no’ and ability to go for what we want (ability to say a full ‘yes’), in order to find balance and integrity.
🐉 💗 ∞ : : WHAT PEOPLE SAY : : ∞
"I feel a decade younger since last night! Seriously." ~Timo
"Dear all, This weekend was a bliss for me. I feel like I was in a dream and came back to my reality with a different and calmer way. I was reminded of how important it is to be in the moment, how happy we can be, whatever we are doing. This was wonderful. Hugs". ~ I.
"...realising day by day what an experience it was last weekend. I let go of many things I was not aware I was holding onto. My heart is
opening further, which is not always easy ,and still.processing more as the hours pass by. Thanks to everyone , the facilitators , all of us who participated , it was special for me". ~R.
"I am witnessing in my body and consciousness an open and alignment very powerful. My pure natural and animal instincts are so much open and aware, I
smell, see, and feel better all the senses are more accurate and refined! ... I feel more light and bright. As the sunny day and crystal night". ~J.
"Before the event, I kept saying to myself and others that it was not the kind of experience I needed. But I turned out to be wrong! - this was exactly what I needed! This was the best sex-positive event I have been to so far!" ~Adi
"I'm vibrating, highest, purest energy. I will use this condition to let go of old patterns. I met a few ugly shadow faces thank you!!! The whole event was so wisely and beautifully arranged, I'm grateful."
"The temple nights were such a source of power and love. Aleksandra and Ananda providing a safe space for everybody. Everything is allowed, nothing has to be. A great combination of meditation, dance, sensuality and connecting with people on so many levels. For me it is such a great opportunity to have that here in Berlin, integrated in my daily life, and not just as an isolated experience in a retreat. What a different way of celebrating a Saturday night!"
~ Sonja
"You were offering the invitation to come into deeper states of authenticity within our own spirituality, sensuality and sexuality. This space was created with an invitation for everybody to raise their frequency, raise up their energy and become more into connection to divinity. The purity of that intention was carried through immensely into my body, into my heart and into my life".
~ Freya
"I’m deeply touched by the created energy of all the temple sisters and brothers. There have been so many authentic moments of understanding, trusting, being held…. Thanks so much."
“I feel very much transformed and attribute most of this to my change of behaviour due to your Temples. You guys are awesome! I feel very close and very connected to so many women right now. I can barely express how I feel right now. Purr purr!”
~ Jens
"I’ve made my first beautiful experience with free love and open relationships. It was with great feeling of thankfulness, joy, pleasure, peace and I felt myself so beautiful and connected to human beings. ..."
~ Caroline
"Vast space. Someone playing the guitar and singing, two people kissing soft and gentle. A group of three or five or humans cuddling and enjoying each other. Emotional release, lots of shaking. Someone dancing the dance of life itself. Sharing visions and prayers. The taste of Cacao on the tongue, feeling its fire running through the body. Everything is welcomed, all is perfect, nothing has to happen. The space wonderful Aleksandra and Ananda are holding is very special in its sweetness, playfulness and innocent wildness. They create a safe container for the medicine and the mystery to unfold. Experiencing more and more love and EROS to live a new culture into its existence. Thank you for all the bliss and growth and celebration!"
~ Joshua
See you in celebration, healing and power,
Aleksandra Maria Love & Ananda Amit Angelo