ISTA Level 1 & Level 2
Sierra Nevada, Spain // August 2021

Read more about ISTA SSSex
Level 1 below.
Read more about ISTA SSSin
Level 2 click HERE.
ISTA Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience
SSSEx Level 1
8-day Experience: 8th - 15th August 2021
This retreat focuses on clearing the physical and emotional body of shame, guilt and fear related to sexuality and authenticity. The deeper transformation comes from reconnecting to your personal power, exploring sexuality is a fast path to encountering our own power challenges and gifts.
This is done through multiple pathways using the best of the ancient temple arts including Tantra, Taoist and Shamanic traditions and adding to this more modern day NLP, bioenergetics, guided visualization, emotional release, Kundalini activation, energy tracking, conscious touch and consent skills. The list above are just a few of the practices we use to dive deep into the inner realms. The inner masculine and inner feminine archetypes are explored because when they are fully integrated a door opens to a deeper knowing of the Self as whole and complete.
A note on Masculine & Feminine
Please don’t perceive that our use of the terms masculine and feminine is an indicator that ISTA operates from place of duality and gender separation. We do not, far from it we realise that we are all masculine and feminine regardless of our physical form. We use this terminology as it is an effective model for understanding the different energies or qualities that each if us is made up of. They do not translate to men and women or male and female.
Unique to ISTA
Three skilled Temple Arts Faculty all international teachers in their own right will share, inspire, guide and support you to bring light to the shadows where our power awaits to be reclaimed. You will receive information, guidance and lots of experiential practice around self love, boundaries and consent, emotional release, voice dialogue, neurological reprogramming, Orgasmic Yoga, learning to work with shamanic energy, owning one’s desires and the ability to manifest, accessing and speaking from your contra-sexual self (i.e gender opposite), conscious communication, Transformational Shamanic Breathwork, ancient temple arts rituals of healing/initiation and a powerful sexual clearing and activation processes.
Supportive Group Process
This event unfolds within a powerful group process based on safety, trust, unconditional love, intimacy and acceptance of what is arising. By the end of this event, you will feel more in touch with your body, feel a sense of greater aliveness and presence, be more aware of your patterns and have some skills as to how to change them, have more awareness of your emotions and how to hold them, lighter and perhaps more relaxed. You will be more in touch with effortless flow of life, no matter what it looks like.
‘My personal journey is the reason I facilitate these trainings, for me they are by far the most effective weeklong personal transformational experience I have encountered. I want to share the possibility of living from a place of authenticity, sovereignty, soul purpose, freedom, love and power with as many people as I can. ‘
'All our journeys are different … your life may not in any way resemble mine, that’s reality. We are all a unique product of our souls, family, genetics and environment but many of us are hurting, stuck, disconnected, in denial, lack satisfaction with life, feeling lost, trapped, confused or somehow knowing we are not fully honouring our true deeper being that wants to live fully with authenticity, presence and passion.’
• Whatever your life situation is to stop, feel and take a look at yourself in a whole new way. This is an opportunity to wake up to your life.
• It will invite you to take risks, meet and explore your edges in a safe container.
• Provide you with essential life skills we all should have received as teenagers.
• Provide a space for you to see, show and live from the you that lies beneath the mask. You will see more clearly where you are operating from ego, belief patterns of others and society.
• It will show you where your inner masculine and inner feminine are immature, unhealthy or where they are at war and it will guide you to bring them back towards union, love and integration. This is huge!
• It will invite you to reconnect to, master and to learn to love your emotional body and heart power, as well as your physical self.
• It will show you your glorious energy being and share skills as to how to dance with this energy body alongside your physical body.
• It will encourage you and show you how to seek wisdom from your body and heart, instead of your mind.
• Provide powerful opportunities for healing core wounds.
• Remember how to love yourself, to feel the healing power of pleasure and it will offer you ways to expand your sexuality and orgasmic potential.
• To allow you to see and deeply understand that sexuality and spirituality are one.
• Offer you opportunities for deep healing around lost love, sexuality, grief, self love and mother and father wounds.
• To shine a light on places where culture, religion and society has kept us from expressing who we really are.
• Take part in powerful rituals that can bring deep healing and power reclamation.
• It will ask you to consider what your life might look like, if it was not controlled by societies expectations, ego, family, fear, shame and guilt?
• It will plead with you to know what it truly is to be a sovereign being.
: : ∞ : : WHO TAKES THIS INTENSIVE? : : ∞ : :
This training is for EVERYONE. It’s open to ALL who are called.
The ISTA experience has reached people in all of their diversity.
Thousands of people have gone through this training now worldwide. The individuals cover a wide age range from 18 to 80, varied backgrounds, all sexual orientations, those who are gender fluid or trans, differing professions from students, artists, surgeons, people from many different religions, races and nationalities.
As this weeklong is a journey through life's core experiences and wounds, it is universal. It touches and can affect individuals of any age, background, race etc, if you choose to allow it and if you are open to receive the wisdom and gifts.
Some people take this training for their own personal evolution, to gain a deeper self-connection and to enrich their relationships and empower their lives. Others are interested in exploring how it will add to their own professional life, whatever that may be, and some are interested in the professions of Sacred Sexual Practitioner or Sexuality Educator.
People from various sexual/relational paths including celibacy, monogamy, and polyamory are also drawn to ISTA. As are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Couples, individuals and relationship groups of any formation are welcome.
The practices offered in this training are designed to touch us deeply at the core of our lives as an embodied being.
No prior knowledge of or experience in shamanism or sacred sexuality is necessary.
The greater mix of prior experiences the richer the training!
If it is your truth, it is possible to complete the entire training/experience without touching another person.
We ask you this question:
: : ∞ : : ARE YOU READY TO JUMP OFF THE CLIFF? : : ∞ : :
We are so often at the precipice of something we have wanted to do, embody or achieve....and we remain at the proverbial cafe, sipping tea, peering over the edge looking at the unknown water below, searching with our mind for the answers. Of course, the mind has no real answers. And so we are afraid. We may let our feet leave the ground, but more often than not we return to our comfort zone...because we are too afraid to feel the pain...really feel it all the way...and enter the gateway of new possibilities. What if you could jump when your being, your heart, your spirit knew it was time to change? In this training you will come to a point where you can choose, completely and resolutely, without reservation, to fling yourself off the rock.....and transform your life.
What's your edge? Are you ready to jump? What's getting in your way? To find out….come and do this training. It will take you to your edge, expand you and change your life forever.
: : ∞ : : WHAT WILL I HAVE TO DO ? : : ∞ : :
Nudity and intimate touch are optional parts of this training.
The cornerstone of this work is about consent, developing healthy boundaries and communication. You are always at choice and the facilitators will help you navigate what is authentic for you.
The ISTA facilitators are looking forward to meeting you in Love, Power, and Freedom.
: : ∞ : : INVESTMENT : : ∞ : :
(The fee includes all tuition; delicious healthy veggie food and shared accommodation for 8 days / 7 nights; it doesn't include single room fees or your travel fees).
(First 10 Participants to Book)
(limited availability)
When you book Level 1 together with Level 2 (dates: 17th - 24th August):
-200€ of total price
ASSISTANTS By Application only/ limited availability.
€1000 Please contact Aleksandra at sacredblisstemple@gmail.com for an application form.
There are a limited number of Scholarships available for youth, young single mothers, participants from developing countries please contact Aleksandra at sacredblisstemple@gmail.com for further information.
: : ∞ : : R E G I S T R A T I O N : : ∞ : :
DEPOSIT - A non refundable deposit of €500 is required to secure registration. **
Reserve your Spot NOW by getting the Deposit Ticket below.
(After booking your spot please fill in Participant Information From - you will be automatically redirected there after your ticket payment).
You will receive a full welcome letter with all information about the training once your spot is fully booked, not later than 2 months before the training.
* COMBO offer L1 + L2
Please note that this offer is conditional, as we are still reserving a right to refuse your Level 2 participation in the unlikely case of the lead of Level 1 to advise against your attendance. This will only be known after Level 1 is completed. In this case, your full deposit of Level 2 would be returned. There are two nights (full-board) at the venue in-between Level 1 and Level 2 which cost an extra of 60€/night. Please also note that the booking fee for Level 2 of 300€ is non-refundable, in case the cancellation comes from your side.
** Refund Policy
Regular considerations: A fee of 500€ is required to book your spot and secure the time-bound price offer. This deposit is refundable up until 8th of July 2021 (minus an admin. fee of 50€). From 9th July 2021 the booking fee is FULLY non-refundable and non-transferable to other trainings or people.
Special COVID19-related considerations:
1) In case of cancellation from our side due to COVID19 restrictions, the deposit will be refunded in full. Participants are not entitled to reimbursement of any further costs (loss of earnings, travel & accommodation, etc.).
2) In case of cancellation from your side due to flight and/or health issues which are COVID19-related, we will refund you the deposit minus the admin. fee of 50€. Please make sure you have some proof that the cancellation reason is COVID-related.
3) In case of cancellation from your side, for any other reasons please refer to the regular refund policy above.
: : ∞ : : DATES : : ∞ : :
8th-15th August 2021
Arrival 12pm on the 8th.
Departure 4-5pm on the 15th.
: : ∞ : : VENUE : : ∞ : :
Hidden Paradise
Amazing venue on the top of the mountain. 1h drive from Granada or 1,5h from Malaga.
HIDDEN PARADISE is a family run retreat centre nestled in the foothills of the Alpujarra mountain range. The invitation here is to break through dogma, hosting events containing a wealth of transformational potential, looking beyond the norms of society and embodying the essence of our true nature.
Accommodation is offered in shared & single occupancy bedrooms in various dwellings built using locally sourced materials. There are 6 stone buildings built in traditional Alpujjaran style, as well as fully furnished tipis and canvas bell tents.
A limited number of single rooms is available for an extra fee of 150€/week.
Please NOTE that this venue is located on a side of a mountain and the location of apartments, main hall and dining area are greatly spread out. You will surely get fit during a week there! This, however, presents a challenge for anybody with reduced mobility. There is no other way to get around there than by foot. Please contact the organiser if you have any questions on your ability to attend.

: : ∞ : : HOW TO GET THERE : : ∞ : :
The venue is located near Orgiva, a beautiful town in the South of Spain. The address of the venue is kept secret and only available for retreat participants.
Situated 1h away from both Granada airport and ~1h 45min from Malaga airport. Shuttle bus is organised from Malaga airport latest at 11am on the 8th August. (if you need a ride from Granada airport instead please enquire). Departure on the 15th from the venue at 5pm towards Malaga airport (arrive there just before 7pm).
For training information, registration and questions, please contact Aleksandra at sacredblisstemple@gmail.com
: : ∞ : : COVID CONSIDERATIONS : : ∞ : :
Covid policy and guidelines for this training will be published 1 month before the training takes place and may be a subject of change during the lead up to the training.
: : ∞ : : N O T E : : ∞ : :
This is an individual process that happens in a group environment and a level of ability to be self responsible is needed to navigate the spiritual sexual shamanic space. ISTA is a mystery school and approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul. We recommend that if there is known deep seated trauma, individuals seek one on one sessions and get the ok from their therapist before entering the group process.
ISTA Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Initiation
SSSin Level 2
8-day Experience: 17th - 24th August 2021

ISTA Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Initiation
SSSin Level 2
8-day Experience: 8th - 15th August 2021
Level 1 (SSSEx) begins its work once the decision is made that this is the way we want to live and not just a peak experience in a workshop.
Level 2 (SSSIn) guides you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
ISTA’s initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.
This provides us with the opportunity to shift our identity into the soul and become the source of our own life, love and empowered expression in the world.
Its symbol is the offering up of the heart. Once the life is ‘given up’ or ‘taken over’ by this deeper part of ourselves then we are ready for the greater mysteries – the identification with the universal life of our cosmos and planet.
The self becomes a source of inflowing current to our surroundings enabling others to awaken, initiate and transform. We become a creative force in our environment.
Level 2 deepens the experience of Level 1 allowing for more hands-on practise with some of the tools and techniques taught.
It provides an alchemical container for transformation through group practise, ritual and meditation.
The Shamanic initiation: Its core is death and rebirth. This overcomes the fear of death in the base chakra and also sets the shaman apart from the tribe to serve the tribe in a special way.
It is an essential component to the integration of sexual and spiritual worlds because it results in the transcendence of ego and the dedication of one's awakened powers to the collective.
The result is Power.
The Sexual Initiation - The rituals of self-pleasure and sacred spot in Level 1 awaken a deeper relationship with our sexual energies. In Level 2, we explore the unification of our masculine and feminine, conscious penetration and sacred union.
The result is Love.
The Spiritual Initiation - Meditation training and essential identity inquiry open us into our primordial awareness and provide a taste of sunyata or the void experience.
Invocatory temples combined with a personal vision quest provides each individual an opportunity for deeper levels of their being to be contacted, honoured and integrated.
The result is Presence.
: : ∞ : : INVESTMENT : : ∞ : :
(The fee includes all tuition; delicious healthy veggie food and shared accommodation for 8 days / 7 nights; it doesn't include single room fees or your travel fees).
(First 10 Participants to Book)
(limited availability)
When you book Level 1 together with Level 2 (dates: 17th - 24th August):
-200€ of total price
ASSISTANTS By Application only/ limited availability.
€1000 Please contact Aleksandra atsacredblisstemple@gmail.com for an application form.
There are a limited number of Scholarships available for youth, young single mothers, participants from developing countries please contact Aleksandra atsacredblisstemple@gmail.com for further information.
: : ∞ : : R E G I S T R A T I O N : : ∞ : :
In order to register please:
1) Fill in Level 2 Self-Assessment From HERE >>>
2) Follow the link at the end of the Form to book your ticket and complete the registration. **
* COMBO offer L1 + L2
Please note that this offer is conditional, as we are still reserving a right to refuse your Level 2 participation in the unlikely case of the lead of Level 1 to advise against your attendance. This will only be known after Level 1 is completed. In this case, your full deposit of Level 2 would be returned. There are two nights (full-board) at the venue in-between Level 1 and Level 2 which cost an extra of 60€/night. Please also note that the booking fee for Level 2 of 300€ is non-refundable, in case the cancellation comes from your side.
** Refund Policy
Regular considerations: A fee of 500€ is required to book your spot and secure the time-bound price offer. This deposit is refundable up until 8th of July 2021 (minus an admin. fee of 50€). From 9th July 2021 the booking fee is FULLY non-refundable and non-transferable to other trainings or people.
Special COVID19-related considerations:
1) In case of cancellation from our side due to COVID19 restrictions, the deposit will be refunded in full. Participants are not entitled to reimbursement of any further costs (loss of earnings, travel & accommodation, etc.).
2) In case of cancellation from your side due to flight and/or health issues which are COVID19-related, we will refund you the deposit minus the admin. fee of 50€. Please make sure you have some proof that the cancellation reason is COVID-related.
3) In case of cancellation from your side, for any other reasons please refer to the regular refund policy above.
: : ∞ : : COVID CONSIDERATIONS : : ∞ : :
Covid policy and guidelines for this training will be published 1 month before the training takes place and may be a subject of change during the lead up to the training.
: : ∞ : : N O T E : : ∞ : :
This is an individual process that happens in a group environment and a level of ability to be self responsible is needed to navigate the spiritual sexual shamanic space. ISTA is a mystery school and approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul. We recommend that if there is known deep seated trauma, individuals seek one on one sessions and get the ok from their therapist before entering the group process.